October 25 is our next Members & Friends Salon: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

Join us at 118 Elliot, 118 Elliot St., Brattleboro on Wednesday, October 25 at 6:00pm October’s Members & Friends Salon will provide...

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October 20th is our next speaker event – US & China: From ‘Old Friends’ to the ‘New Cold War’

Join us at 118 Elliot, 118 Elliot St., Brattleboro on Friday, October 20 at 6:30 pm.    Dr. Newland is a scholar of local...

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Sept 27th 2023 – 6:30pm
Annual Galbraith Lecture

Join us at  Centre Congregational Church (Main Hall) 193 Main St.  Brattleboro, VT “Is the American Century Over?” Ambassador...

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July 26th 2023 – 6:30pm
The Pink Tide 2.0? A New Left Surge in Latin America

Join us at 118 Elliot, 118 Elliot St., Brattleboro for this free event. A $10 donation is appreciated, however, no one is turned away for...

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June 22nd 2023 – 6:30pm
Antarctica: Axis of Ocean Currents, Climate, and Exploration

On Thursday, June 22, Brattleboro, VT, the Windham World Affairs Council (WWAC) will host a timely and moving discussion of Antarctica with...

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May 18th 2023 – 6:30pm
Surfing as Development

Stories of postwar transformation on Nicaragua’s Emerald Coast. As the dust settled after a decade of war and Nicaragua faced the...

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