Promoting Dialogue on International Matters

Courtesy of BCTV

Windham World Affairs Council encourages learning and action on global issues that impact us all.

Windham World Affairs Council connects people with global expertise and knowledge to Windham County to inform, educate, foster community and dialogue, and encourage civic participation.


Sa•lonnoun:  A conversational gathering of intellectuals, artists, and politicians.

Upcoming Events

Ukraine/Russia War: Third Year and Counting
Aug 21 | 6:30 PM
Ukraine/Russia War: Third Year and Counting

Ukraine/Russia War: Third Year & Counting Well into the third year of fighting on the battlefields of Eastern Europe, the Ukraine/Russia war remains locked in an apparent stalemate.  Please join Bob Beck as he reviews the current state of the...
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America 250 Town Hall Series :  What Does the First Amendment Ask of Us?
Sep 25 | 6:30 PM
America 250 Town Hall Series : What Does the First Amendment Ask of Us?

America 250 Town Hall Series: What Does the First Amendment Ask of Us? This Town Hall considers the intellectual and imaginative muscles necessary for holding free speech principles in a pluralist society. We’ll consider the arguments in the Brandenburg decision...
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Recent News

PeaceJam’s Second Annual Bike Drive

Support BUHS Peace Jam A Billion Bikes for Peace Inspired by their success last  school year, BUHS PeaceJam students report that there...

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BUHS Peace Jam voter registration drive

AP News & The Washington Post covered the BUHS voter drive organized by PeaceJam.  Read the February  29th edition  The future is...

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WWAC began working with Nobel Peace Laureate and WWAC Member Jody Williams when we presented her Zoom talk in 2020.

We created a Peace Jam Task Force composed of Carla Lineback, Amanda Thurber, Lissa Weinmann, Kerstin Roos, Kenny Pepper on behalf of The Commons Media Mentoring Project and Lauren Coffano of PeaceJam international and are building a PeaceJam Community Support Group to help initiate an ongoing club and programming at Brattleboro Union High School students starting September 2022.

“Human security requires directing our resources toward providing for the basic needs of human beings so they are secure in their daily lives. For too long, security has een defined in terms of the security of the state, not of individuals. We call it national defense. The US spends more on its military and weapons systems than all of the other nations of the world combined. The billions and billions of our tax dollars that go to weapons systems and other aspects of ‘defense’ is money that will never be spent on our public schools, or on an affordable health care system that gives everyone access to health care, or on creating jobs with dignity. Money for war will never be used to fight poverty and other social ills that tear apart the socioeconomic fabric of a country and often are fundamental causes of armed conflict. We have to change that kind of thinking.”
Jody Williams
in her book
“My Name is Jody Williams: A Vermont Girl’s Winding Path to the Nobel Peace Prize”

Peace Jam Update

PeaceJam’s Second Annual Bike Drive

Support BUHS Peace Jam A Billion Bikes for Peace Inspired by their success last  school year, BUHS PeaceJam students report that there...

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The World Affairs Councils of America is an independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to engaging the public and leading global voices to better understand the world, America’s international role, and the policy choices that impact our daily lives and our future.

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